Click on the link below to access the eWānanga login page
1. Log in to eWānanga
This is where you click to login to eWānanga using your credentials provided by Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
2. Student Handbook
The student handbook serves the key purpose of documenting notice of school rules.
3. Student Study Guidelines
This book is for Awhi Tauira Student Support. The book has information for researching, study skills, assignments, academic writing and referencing
4. Library Online Services
A Guide to accessing Library Online Services.
5. Need Help?
This will take you to the front of eWānanga Student Helpdesk.
6. Urutauira
This will take you to your Student Management Information System.
This is the email address you can email for help.
8. Contact Us
The contact us button is available for students to create help tickets. The help tickets will be seen by a specialist.