The navigation bar is used to provide useful navigation and as a quick access tool to navigate around eWānanga.
Here is an example of the Navigation bar:
Important links in the navigation bar include:
1. Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi logo
Clicking the logo will redirect you to the Home page.
2. Home
The Home page is where you can access a copy of the Student Handbook, Student Study Guidelines, Library Online Services Guide and the eWānanga Site News.
3. Dashboard
This will display your recently accessed courses and recent Forums. You can also add tasks to a To Do List.
4. My courses
This will display your Course overview. To navigate to a course, click on the Course name or View course button.
5. Reports & Analytics
This is where you can view details of the time you have spent on the eWānanga LMS site or an overview of Course progress or Learner progress.
6. Student Portals
This provides a drop down menu of sites available to you as a tauira such as Urutauira, Office 365, Tauira Voice and eKura-Kāinga. You can also access your wānanga provided email by clicking Check Email.
7. Recent
This is a quick link to the last five courses you recently accessed.
8. Notification Bell
The bell will indicate that you have notifications or communications pending.
9. Message Bubble
The speech bubble will indicate that you have messages pending. This is also where you can add contacts and private message kaiako, wānanga staff, and course peers.
10. Profile picture dropdown menu
This provides a drop down menu for links to your Profile, Grades, Calendar, Messages, Private files, Reports, Preferences, Language and the Log out option.
11. Dark Mode / Light Mode
The Moon and Sun icon will allow you to switch between Dark and Light mode.