Voice Thread set-up provides four different options for participation by you the Tauira - Course View; VT Home; Individual VT; and Assignment Builder.

[1] When Course View option has been set by the Kaiako, the Tauira will see a collection of all the Voice Threads that have been shared with the course. Both Kaiako and Tauira can click on any thumbnail to open that Voice Thread and participate.

[2] When VT Home option has been set by the Kaiako, this will take Tauira to their own home pages, where Tauira can see all Voice Threads that have been shared with Tauira, OR that Tauira have created. 

In addition Tauira can click on the sidebar icon to see all of Tauira courses in Voice Thread, and Tauira can click on any one course to see the collection of Voice Threads shared just with that course. 

[3] When Individual VT option has been set by the Kaiako, this allows the Kaiako to point Tauira to a specific Voice Thread. This is great for using a Voice Thread just for a conversation discussion space. Tauira will be taken directly to the specific Voice Thread chosen by the Kaiako, where they can have group discussions and post comments via text, webcam, video capture or upload of a short video capture.

[4] The Assignment Builder option is the option that will integrate with the LMS eWānanga gradebook system. There are three types of Assignment - [1] Create a Voice Thread [2] Submit a comment [3] Watch a Voice Thread.

The assignment builder views will be created in a separate helpfile.