Logo - Quick link to the Home page.

Home - Downloadable Student Handbook, Student Study Guidelines, Library Online Services Guide and the eWānanga Site News.

Dashboard - Overview of course analytics, Recently accessed courses, To Do List, Recent Feedback and Recent forums.

My courses - Course Overview listing your courses. Click the course name or View Course button to access the course.

Reports & Analytics - Reports Dashboard displays either an Overview or Learners - Learner Course Progress. Overview lists; My Time Spent On Site and My Course Progress. Learner Course Progress lists according to course and activity.

Student Portals - Drop down menu lists links to portals: Urutauira, Office 365, Check Email, Tauira Voice, and eKura - Kāinga.

Recent - Drop down menu lists the last 5 accessed courses.

Bell icon - Notifications alert teachers, students and other users about events such as new forum posts, and assignments. New Notifications are highlighted with a number in the notifications menu.

Speech Bubble icon - Messages. Teachers, students and other users may send and receive private messages.

Profile - Drop down menu list: Profile, Grades, Calendar, Messages, Private files, Reports, Preferences, Language and Log Out.

Moon/Sun icon - Switch to Dark/Light Mode

Depending on the viewing settings of your device, links on the navigation bar may be stacked in a menu drawer.

Click the three lines icon to view the links to the following options;  Home, Dashboard, My courses, Reports & Analytics, Student Portals and Recent.