Note: If your pouako is asking you to submit an assignment, they should inform you what type of assignment you should submit (e.g. video recording, audio recording or webcam).
Links to assignments can be found in the topic sections (center of the eWānanga LMS course page),the Course Index (left side course menu)
or the Activities block (right side block drawer).
Submit a webcam assignment
- Click the link to the assignment. The Assignment page will open. Assignment instructions may be displayed as well as your Submission status overview (date submitted, grade, etc.) for this assignment.
- Click Add Submission.
- The Assignment submission page will open.
Depending on how your pouako set up the assignment, you may have the option to submit file(s), upload a video, webcam and/or audio file.
- To submit a webcam: In the Webcam Recording section, simply click the record button (red camera icon) to start recording using the webcam.
- A pop box may request to use your camera's and microphone, click Allow to proceed.
- The controls for webcam recording are; Record, Stop, Pause, and Play.
- Click Record, to start recording.
- Click Pause, to intermittently stop the recording.
- Click Stop, once finished recording.
- Click Play, to view recording.
- Click Record, if not satisfied and you wish to record again, OR click Save, if you are satisfied with the recording.
The process of uploading the recording to eWānanga will start. The process will be complete when uploading reaches 100%.
- The file will then be converted.
- Once this is complete a notification will indicate when video is uploaded successfully. Note; it may take a short while for the video file to be encoded.
- Click Save changes, to save your webcam recording submission.
- Click Record, to start recording.
- The Submission status will be displayed. You can continue to make changes to the submission while the submission status is, Draft ( not submitted).
- Click Edit submission, to make changes to the submission.
- To submit the submission for Grading, click Submit assignment. Tick the check box to acknowledge the declaration then click Continue.
- The submission status will now be Submitted for grading. At this point you can no longer make changes to your submission without first contacting your kaiako.
- A pop box may request to use your camera's and microphone, click Allow to proceed.