eWānanga LMS, (or Learning Management System) is provided to all students enrolled at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and is maintained by the eWānanga Centre for Creative Teaching and Learning based at the main campus in Whakatāne.


eWānanga provides 24/7, online classrooms for your studies, and includes many features which help make distance – or blended learning much more enjoyable. All you need is a reliable Internet connection, an electronic device such as a computer or tablet, and in many cases having access to a webcam is highly recommended.


eWānanga enables you to communicate with your pouako and your fellow tauira in real-time, while providing ‘anywhere’-access to readings, media files and assessments. Your pouako can provide you with valuable feedback as well provisional grades, and working with your class-mates online couldn’t be easier.


eWānanga also includes a Helpdesk which is there to assist when you need it the most, and you can contact our friendly team for support at:


Email: [email protected]

Freephone: 0508 392 62 64 (0508 EWANANGA

Business hours

9am - 4.30pm 

Monday - Fridays


Nōu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.