eWānanga LMS lets pouako set up an Assignment with a variety of settings. For example:
- Your pouako can control whether you can make only one submission or can re-submit files, and whether you can upload files after due dates have passed.
- Some assignment types let your pouako return a submission with comments for revision. The kaiako can then re-open the assignment to allow for another attempt. You can then upload your revisions by returning to the link for the assignment.
Your pouako can use a standard assignment, which looks similar to this:
Note: The names of the assignments given above are examples only. Your pouako will use different names for your assignments, but you can clearly identify assignment activities by their icons.
This page describes the standard assignment.
Or, they may give you a Turnitin assignment, which looks similar to this:
Submitting a Turnitin assignment? Click, Submit a Turnitin assignment.
Submit a standard assignment
Note: If your pouako is asking you to upload a file, they should inform you what file format you should submit (e.g. Word, PowerPoint or PDF document, or a video/audio recording).
- Links to assignments can be found in the topic sections (center of the eWānanga LMS course page),
the Course Index (left side course menu)
or the Activities block (right side block drawer).
- Click the link to the assignment. The Assignment page will open. Assignment instructions may be displayed as well as your Submission status overview; date submitted, grade, etc.
- Click Add Submission.
- The Assignment submission page will open.
Depending on how your pouako set up the assignment, you may have the option to submit file(s), upload a video and/or audio file.
- To browse for a file:
- In the File submissions section, click the File icon to add a file.
The File picker window will open.
- Upload a file from your computer, or other available locations:
- To upload a file from your computer, click Upload a file (left section), then, in the Attachment section, click Choose file. Browse your computer and select a file, then click Open. The file name will appear next to the Choose file button.
- (Optional) If you want to rename your file in the file picker, type the new name in the Save as field, and make sure to include the correct file extension (.pdf, .docx, etc.) so the file can be opened correctly for your pouako.
- Click Upload this file. The File picker will close and your uploaded file will appear in the Files area.
- Continue to Add all necessary files.
- To Delete a file, click the name of an incorrect file
select Delete
click OK to confirm the deletion.
- Click Save changes, once all your required files appear in the Files area.
- The status of the assignment will be 'Draft (not submitted)'.
- To upload a file from your computer, click Upload a file (left section), then, in the Attachment section, click Choose file. Browse your computer and select a file, then click Open. The file name will appear next to the Choose file button.
- In the File submissions section, click the File icon to add a file.
- At any time, while your assignment submission is in 'Draft', you can click Edit submission button to add or replace files. When you are finished making changes, click Save changes.
- To finalise your submission for grading, click Submit assignment. Tick the check box to acknowledge the declaration then click Continue. Once finalised the Submission status will be 'Submitted for grading'. At this point you will not be able to make any changes without asking your pouako to revert your submission to draft or allow another attempt.
- Note: You should also receive an email at your @ewananga address confirming you have submitted the assignment. Your kaiako will also receive a notification that you have submitted for grading.
- Your kaiako may at times allow for a re-submission. The assignment will be re-opened to allow you to make another attempt.