This page contains quick instructions which will assist you with installing Microsoft Office on your computer. You must know your student email address/username and password before starting this process.

If you do NOT know your student email address/username or password, click here to learn more

  1. Simply click the following link to visit the download site:
  2. You will be asked to sign in.
  3. After entering your student email address (as your username), you will be redirected to the Awanuiārangi login page. Enter your email address again as well as your password, and click Sign in
  4. After logging in, you will be redirected to the Office download page which will have an area that looks similar to the image below. Note the useful links at the bottom which will help you install the software to your mobile phone or tablet. You do not need to install Skype as we use Zoom at Awanuiārangi. Click Install Office to SAVE the software to your computer
  5.  Take special note where the file is SAVED. It may be in your Downloads folder or on your Desktop. You will need to RUN this file to start the installation process.
  6. If you do not know how to install software on to your computer, please find someone to help you with this.
  7. Once installed, you may be asked to ACTIVATE your software, please click here for assistance with this.